"Once upon a time in a village, there lived two young men named Mosaku and Minokichi. Mosaku is a man who is now 36 years old and Minokichi is a youth who was only 18 years old. These young men worked cutting trees at the foot of the mountain and then resell it for a living.
Every day Minokichi and Mosaku always go together up the mountain to search for wood. To be able to reach the mountain, they had to go through a large river. Fortunate that there was a handyman on the river bank ship that normally help people to cross the river, then out of it every day they are both always use the services of the repairman when the ship was about to leave and go down the mountain.
On a cold day the snow fell. On the day rose from the morning Minokichi and Mosaku still go to the mountains to pick up wood in the forest. When the sky became increasingly dark, they both decided to stop their work and hurried home.
They both quickly walked down the mountain in the middle of a snowstorm that increasingly tight. Because it is so thick snowfall, with rapidly across the land surface has been completely covered by snow. When they both had reached the banks of the river, they were so surprised because it did not find the boat that usually exist on the banks of the river.
They both took the initiative to look for the boat builders in the shack near the river. They rushed to the shed, but unfortunately they did not find the repairman ship was there. They both thought that the ship builders to stop work after seeing the weather conditions are increasingly deteriorating.
Amid the blizzard increasingly tight, the air gets cold conditions, they both can not do anything. Eventually they both have no other choice but to wait for tomorrow to get home. They both then spend the night in the shed. The hut is very small, had no windows, and only one entrance.
At that time, Mosaku quickly fell asleep. However Minokichi at the time could not fall asleep at all. Air progressively colder. Minokichi which at that time could not sleep be shivering and frightened. But since then feel tired, Minokichi was finally asleep. Wonder how long it was asleep when, suddenly woke Minokichi. When I woke up and felt the cold, Minokichi noticed that the door in the hut was open and the wind blowing snow into the hut.
Minokichi just muttered, at that time. Who has already opened the door of the shed. When gaze around the hut, Minokichi which lie still when it saw that someone was wearing a white kimono with long hair is above the body Mosaku. Seeing the current state of the Minokichi wanted to speak up and ask what is being done by the woman. But as if the mystical power of the women, Minokichi body could not be moved at all and could not have said a word.
Slowly "Snow Woman" that brought her face to face Mosaku. Then "Snow Woman" The breath and sort out white clouds which then covered the whole face Mosaku. Soon in the mouth "Snow Woman" is a kind of thread out like a cobweb. At that moment, suddenly a light shimmering out of the body Mosaku.
Snow woman take lives
"Snow Woman" is left Mosaku and then approached Minokichi. Intends to do the same thing, the woman then brought her face to face Minokichi. Treated like that, Minokichi want to shout loud. However, his condition could not move or make a sound at all.
Minokichi who was scared to death because the woman looked into the face Minokichi in a long time. Until the end of the cold-eyed beautiful woman say that Minokichi still too young. "Snow Woman" was then thought better and advised Minokichi lest tell anyone that he had seen the evening events. If until Minokichi recounted the incident that night, he will immediately die. The woman then left Minokichi and go away.
Shortly after she disappeared, the body can be moved back Minokichi. Minokichi rose to pursue her. But he did not see anyone outside. Minokichi then closed the door and went back to sleep because it thought that the incident was probably just a dream or a fantasy.
The next morning the ship approached the hut builders Mosaku and Minokichi located. Plumbers ships trying to wake Mosaku and Minokichi at the time. Minokichi immediately woke up then. But unfortunately, Mosaku dead. At that time Minokichi immediately remembered the events of last night. However, because of the threat of "Snow Woman" makes discouraged tell it to the repairman ship.
Since, Minokichi not worked in a long time. Interval of approximately a month and a healthy return Minokichi back routine as usual. But death Mosaku make Minokichi now the only one doing the work cutting timber on the mountain.
As the years have passed, the memory of the "Snow Woman" increasingly disappear from his mind. Until one day in the winter after return harvesting the timber, Minokichi saw a girl walk home alone. Seeing it Minokichi approached the woman and asked her acquaintance. The woman named Oyuki (FYI: Yuki in Japanese means snow)
Long story short Minokichi relations and Oyuki increasingly familiar. Minokichi fall in love with Oyuki which at that time was very young and very pretty. Until they were finally married. After marriage they lived happily together.
8 years have passed since Oyuki and Minokichi married. During that time, they have been blessed with 10 children. And the longer children Minokichi Oyuki and grow bigger. Minokichi even longer look even older. But unlike Oyuki who each year face never changed and still gorgeous. Until people around Oyuki said that beauty is a miracle.
On one night in winter, when the kids are asleep asleep, Minokichi and Oyuki also sat together near the fireplace. Oyuki wearing a white kimono when it suddenly reminded Minokichi will be occasions when he was 18 years old. They both engage in a conversation.
"Looking pretty face and also have white skin reminded me of an incident when I was 18 years old. I met a woman who is really a lot like you. "So said Minokichi.
Oyuki, who was sewing suddenly become angry and furious with Minokichi as if jealous. With a loud tone that he asked who the woman is meant by the Minokichi.
"Tell me who is the woman? Where did you meet? "Said Oyuki aloud.
Minokichi who heard it being a bit scared and then tell the whole incident that happened in huts along Mosaku at the time.
"When I see a beautiful woman was white and beautiful like you. But the woman is very scary. I'm not sure it was a dream or not, but his face is very similar to you "Minokichi story at the time.
Hear the story of Minokichi, immediately also face Oyuki later changed to "Snow Woman" scary.
"That woman is my .... I ... "shouted Oyuki a tone that is very scary.
Minokichi was shocked and then became very frightened. Looking at the faces that turn into creepy Oyuki make Minokichi could not move or speak, the same as last time.
snow woman
"I've never said that you should not tell it to anyone. If you tell, then at that moment you will die, "said Oyuki which has transformed into the Snow Woman.
"I wanted to kill you .. But ... We already have a child, so I can not do this. Therefore, I have to go. Bye and please take care of our children ... "said the woman snow again.
Instantly it was also a woman's body that snow is slowly disappearing. Then came a kind of white clouds and shimmering light which then disappeared into the sky.
Seeing it Minokichi was screaming and calling the names Oyuki very hard. Minokichi immediately ran out of the house and kept calling Oyuki name. During that time, a sudden heavy snow. Minokichi regret and continually calling Oyuki name amid the snow. Too late ... Oyuki dead and never come back ... "