1. Get free 1000 free gems. Check monthly rewards and you will see a free 1000 gems for doing 100 duel. That is not really difficult to do as every 10 minutes you can earn 1 duel point with a maximum of 10 duel points at a time. Here you don’t need to win meaning to say you can use HIT cheats for auto-pilot so even you are not physically playing the game, it will automatically do match making so in a simple math you can enter 144 duel (24 hours) everyday so that is enough to get your free 1000 free gems in just one day. Since this is belong to monthly quest, it will refresh monthly so you can get 1000 free gems every month.
2. Get free 3000 gems. To be honest I don’t know if 3000 gems it the highest amount of gem you can get from guild reward but based on my experience by joining a top rank guild and actively participate on it you will get 3000 gems from it. This consider as your payment in guild and the best thing here is that you can expect this payment every week. Make sure to join an active guild and prove yourself that you are worthy for your weekly payment.
3. Get your immortal / legendary weapon in two days. Now that you have enough gems, the best way to spend it to avail the 3000-gem package for weapon /equipment. This is your highest chance to get immortal and legendary weapon. I saw it several times that this gives higher chance for Immortal and Legendary weapon and also a guarantee of Epic items. Now the next question is what you are going to buy: armor or weapon? You can decide on what is your class in game. For me as a fan of offense-is-the-best-defense, I go for weapon. Also as a mage who can kite and never giving an enemy a chance to fight back, weapon is more effective for me to invest with. But as general since 3 out of 4 classes are melee, it will be better if you are going to invest on armor as you need to have lots of defense too. Also on how equipment works and the package, you have 10 pieces of item you will get from package which is enough to cover up all armor slots compare to weapon that you are going to use only 1 from package and the rest you are only going to smelt it for your main weapon. Based on my experience, I get my first immortal gear on 2 days as I saved all free gems I acquired on game and claim the free 1000 gems from duel. So technically it is not good to spend your gems on 300-gem one time draw etc. Be patient and you will get your fastest way to get your first Immortal item.
4. Enhance your weapon before sacrificing it to your main item. The concept is simple, the higher the tier of item you are going to smelt, the more experience points you will get from it. At first you will think it as a long process but if you are going to use math, keep in mind that enhancing higher tier item is expensive regardless of what tier you are going to use as fodder. Always aim for experience point and not on how many weapon you are going to smelt. (I’m sorry to give the exact number for smelting, too lazy to do but you can do your own math of enhancing common to common and epic and common)
Good luck!