Skill Trick FIFA 16

Skill Trick FIFA 16

As we all know that player in FIFA 16 has to perform skills moves and his abilities are messured with the Star Skill Moves, which divided into 5 parts. Are you exciting for fantastic Skill Trick FIFA 16 in the game. If you are still searching for the FIFA 16 Skill Moves Tutorial,here is the list of all Star Skill Moves avaliable for Xbox and Playstation consoles along with the hidden skill movews which are not shown in the Gameplay of FIFA 16

To play Skill Moves we should choose a player who has ability to perform skill moves. Starting form 1 Star Skill Moves to 5 Star Skill Moves, there are lots of FIFA 16 Players can perform different Star Skill Moves. When you have a 5 Star SKill Moves, such as C.Ronaldo,Neymar who are able to perfom all star skill moves. If you love to use Skill Moves to confuse your opponent, please pay more attention on the player's attribute to confirm they can meet your requirement. While, before we start in FIFA 16, we suggestion you can practise 2-3 useful skill moves, it will be an important choice. To get a player with 5 star skill moves is not easy,


all Juggling(while standing)
Xbox One: Hold LT + Tap RB  
PS4 : Hold L2 + Tap R1

Xbox One:Hold LB + Direction 
PS4 : Hold L1 + Direction

Fake Shot 
Xbox One:X + A or B + A 
PS4 :  ○ + × or □ + ×

Stop and face goal 
Xbox One:   Tap LB & No Direction
PS4 : Tap L1 & No Direction

Add Foot Fake(While Standing)
Xbox One:   RB + LB
PS4 : R1 + L1


Ball Roll Left | Right
Xbox One:  Hold RS ← |  Hold RS→
PS4 : Hold R ←| Hold R→

Step Over Left | Right
Xbox One:  RS ↑←| RS ↑→
PS4 : R↑←| R↑→

Reverse Step Over Left | Right
Xbox One:  RS←↑|  RS→↑
PS4 : R←↑| R→↑

Body Feint Left | Right
Xbox One:RS Flick ←| RS Flick →
PS4 : R Flick ← | R Flick →

Drag Back While standing
Xbox One:RB + LS Flick ↓
PS4: R1 + L Flick ↓

Over The Head Flick
Xbox One: RS ↓
PS4:R ↓

Heel To Heel Variation
Xbox One: Hold LT + LS ↑ & Fake Shot
PS4:Hold L2 + L ↑ & Fake Shot


Heel Flick 
Xbox One:RS Flick ↑↓
PS4: R Flick ↑↓

Flick Up
Xbox One: RS Flick ↑↑↑
PS4: R Flick ↑↑↑

Roulette Right | Lift
Xbox One:RS ↓→↑← | RS ↓←↑→
PS4:R ↓→↑← | R ↓←↑→

Fake Left & Go Right 
Xbox One:RS ←↓→
PS4:R ←↓→

Fake Right & Go Left 
Xbox One: RS →↓←
PS4: R →↓←


Fake pass
Xbox One:Hold RT + X + A
PS4:Hold R2 + □ + ×

Heel Flick Turn
Xbox One:Hold RB Flick RS↑ Flick RS ↓
PS4:Hold R1 Flick R↑ Flick R↓

Stop & Turn Right | Left(Berba Spin)
Xbox One: RS Flick ↑ Flick →  | RS Flick ↑ Flick ←
PS4:R Flick ↑ Flick → | R Flick ↑ Flick ←

Ball Hop (While standing)
Xbox One:Tap RS 
PS4:Tap R3

Heel to heel flick
Xbox One:RS Flick ↑↓ 
PS4:R Flick ↑↓

Simple rainbow
Xbox One: RS Flick ↓↑↑
PS4:R Flick ↓↑↑

Advanced rainbow
Xbox One: RS Flick ↓ Hold ↑ Flick ↑
PS4:R Flick ↓ Hold ↑ Flick ↑

Fake right exit left | Right
Xbox One: RS →↓← | RS ←↓→
PS4:R →↓← | R ←↓→

Heel chop / ronaldo chop
Xbox One:LT + LS→ OR ← LS + Fake Shot
PS4:L2 + L→ OR ← L + Fake Shot

Ball roll chop
Xbox One:Hold ← RS Flick RS→
PS4:Hold ← R Flick R→

Ball roll cut Right | Left
Xbox One:RS Hold ← LS Hold → | RS Hold → LS Hold ←
PS4:R Hold ← L Hold → | R Hold → L Hold ←

Double touch exit
Xbox One:RS→↑ LS↗ OR RS←↑ LS↖
PS4:R→↑ L↗ OR R←↑ L↖

Double touch spin
Xbox One:←RS  LS↘ OR RS→ LS ↙
PS4:←R  L↘ OR R→ L ↙

Spin left spin | right
Xbox One:RS ↙↙ |  RS↘↘
PS4:R ↙↙ |  R↘↘


Bolasie flick 
Xbox One:Hold RB Flick RS↑ Flick RS←
PS4:Hold R1 Flick R↑ Flick R←

Xbox One:RS→↓←

Reverse elastico
Xbox One:RS ←↓→
PS4:R ←↓→

Hocus pocus
Xbox One:RS↓←↓→
PS4:R↓← ↓→

Triple elastico
Xbox One:RS ↓→↓←
PS4:R ↓→↓←

Ball roll flick
Xbox One: RS Hold → Flick ↑
PS4:R Hold → Flick ↑

Special Double touch exit 
Xbox One: RS ↑← LS↗ OR RS↑→ LS↖
PS4:R ↑← L↗ OR R↑→ L↖

Sombrero flick 
Xbox One: RS Flick ↑↑↓
PS4:R Flick ↑↑↓

Mcgeady spin
Xbox One:RS Flick ↑ Flick →
PS4:R Flick ↑ Flick→

Ball roll fake
Xbox One:RS Hold → then RS Flick ←
PS4:R Hold → then R Flick ←

Fake Rabona
Xbox One:Hold LT + X OR B then A + LS ↓
PS4:Hold L2 + □ OR ○ then × + L ↓

Elastico chop
Xbox One:RS Flick ↓ Flick ←
PS4:R Flick ↓ Flick ←

Drag back fake
Xbox One:Hold RB & LS ↓←↓→
PS4:Hold R1 & L↓← ↓→

Fancy drag back
Xbox One:Hold LT + LS ↑ & Fake Shot
PS4:Hold L2 + L ↑ & Fake Shot

Waka waka
Xbox One:RS →↑ LS← OR RS←↑ LS→
PS4:R→↑ L← OR R←↑ L →

Quick ball rolls
Xbox One:RS Hold ↓
PS4:R Hold ↓

Running scoop turn 
Xbox One:Move LS at max 90° + Fake Shot
PS4:Move L at max 90° + Fake Shot

Running  waka waka
Xbox One:StepOvers Release RS & Waka Waka
PS4:StepOvers Release R & Waka Waka

Special Flick
Xbox One:LT + RB
PS4:L2 + R1

Laces Flick Up
Xbox One:LT + Hold RB
PS4: L2 + Hold R1

Sombrero Back Wards(While Juggling)
Xbox One:Hold LS ↓
PS4: Hold L↓

Sombrero Right(While Juggling)
Xbox One: Hold LS →
PS4: Hold L→

Sombrero Left(While Juggling)
Xbox One: Hold LS ←
PS4: Hold L ←

Around The World
Xbox One: RS ↓←↑→↓ OR RS ↓→↑←↓
PS4: R ↓←↑→↓ OR R ↓→↑←↓

In Air Elastico(While Juggling)
Xbox One: RS Flick → Flick ←
PS4:R Flick → Flick ←

Juggling Rainbow
Xbox One:RS Flick ↓↑↑
PS4: R Flick ↓↑↑

Chest Flick
Xbox One:LS ↑ Hold LS Tap RS × 3
PS4: L ↑ Hold L3 Tap R3 × 3

Rabona Shot
Xbox One:Hold LT + B + LS ↖
PS4: Hold L2 + ○ + L ↖

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