Skill Trick FIFA 17

Skill Trick FIFA 17

As we all know that player in FIFA 17 has to perform skills moves and his abilities are messured with the Star Skill Moves, which divided into 5 parts. Are you exciting for fantastic Skill Trick FIFA 17 in the game. If you are still searching for the FIFA 17 Skill Moves Tutorial,here is the list of all Star Skill Moves avaliable for Xbox and Playstation consoles along with the hidden skill movews which are not shown in the Gameplay of FIFA 17

To play Skill Moves we should choose a player who has ability to perform skill moves. Starting form 1 Star Skill Moves to 5 Star Skill Moves, there are lots of FIFA 17 Players can perform different Star Skill Moves. When you have a 5 Star SKill Moves, such as C.Ronaldo,Neymar who are able to perfom all star skill moves. If you love to use Skill Moves to confuse your opponent, please pay more attention on the player's attribute to confirm they can meet your requirement. While, before we start in FIFA 16, we suggestion you can practise 2-3 useful skill moves, it will be an important choice. To get a player with 5 star skill moves is not easy,

The most effective skill move isn't actually a skill move
While players will look to dazzle you with rabonas and rainbow flicks, the most effective skill move isn't even a skill move. Every year in FIFA the one trick that works every time is the three-point turn. Because the player models in EA's offering are so big and bulky, taking three separate 90-degree turns is the best way to shake off a pesky defender and create space going forward.

That said, if you're the type of player who can't help himself, here's a complete list of every Skill Move in the game.

AI is tougher than most humans
With defensive AI now much more rigid and aggressive at intercepting the ball, especially on higher difficulties, it can actually prove tougher to break down AI defences than in online matches. Because humans are more likely to make errors and drag players out of position, the possession football you're going to be playing this year serves online matches much better. Playing against the computer on World Class and Legendary can become a frustrating affair, with more square passes than a match featuring Jermaine Jenas clones.
After finding your feet against the computer in the first few matches, try jumping online in seasons or a simple one-on-one match and see how different the experience is.

How to control FIFA 17's new bullet pass
By holding RB/R1, players will deliver a much faster pass, aimed at finding a man tightly marked and preventing defenders from intercepting the ball. The trouble is that this pass is much trickier to control, especially with any players below world class status.
There are a couple of things you can do to help ensure the ball finds its target. Firstly, it helps if the intended receiver is facing the ball. If he is square to the man passing the ball, he's more prepared to receive the pass, plus his body is between defender and ball.
Secondly, let go of the run button when trying to control the ball. Holding sprint will make the ball trickier to control as your player is intending to take a heavy touch to knock it into space. Just use the left stick or, if possible, hold nothing at all, and let him bring it into his feet before trying to take on the next defender.
Finally, if you're delivering the ball to a man on the edge of the box, a parallel touch is easier than one continuing in the path the ball was going, as it takes the momentum out of the pass.
Also, be sure to let go of RB/R1 after you make the pass, as that button also makes a receiver dummy (step-over) the ball and forego taking a touch, which is a great skill, except when receiving a bullet pass.


all Juggling(while standing)
Xbox One: Hold LT + Tap RB  
PS4 : Hold L2 + Tap R1

Xbox One:Hold LB + Direction 
PS4 : Hold L1 + Direction

Fake Shot 
Xbox One:X + A or B + A 
PS4 :  ○ + × or □ + ×

Stop and face goal 
Xbox One:   Tap LB & No Direction
PS4 : Tap L1 & No Direction

Add Foot Fake(While Standing)
Xbox One:   RB + LB
PS4 : R1 + L1


Ball Roll Left | Right
Xbox One:  Hold RS ← |  Hold RS→
PS4 : Hold R ←| Hold R→

Step Over Left | Right
Xbox One:  RS ↑←| RS ↑→
PS4 : R↑←| R↑→

Reverse Step Over Left | Right
Xbox One:  RS←↑|  RS→↑
PS4 : R←↑| R→↑

Body Feint Left | Right
Xbox One:RS Flick ←| RS Flick →
PS4 : R Flick ← | R Flick →

Drag Back While standing
Xbox One:RB + LS Flick ↓
PS4: R1 + L Flick ↓

Over The Head Flick
Xbox One: RS ↓
PS4:R ↓

Heel To Heel Variation
Xbox One: Hold LT + LS ↑ & Fake Shot
PS4:Hold L2 + L ↑ & Fake Shot


Heel Flick 
Xbox One:RS Flick ↑↓
PS4: R Flick ↑↓

Flick Up
Xbox One: RS Flick ↑↑↑
PS4: R Flick ↑↑↑

Roulette Right | Lift
Xbox One:RS ↓→↑← | RS ↓←↑→
PS4:R ↓→↑← | R ↓←↑→

Fake Left & Go Right 
Xbox One:RS ←↓→
PS4:R ←↓→

Fake Right & Go Left 
Xbox One: RS →↓←
PS4: R →↓←


Fake pass
Xbox One:Hold RT + X + A
PS4:Hold R2 + □ + ×

Heel Flick Turn
Xbox One:Hold RB Flick RS↑ Flick RS ↓
PS4:Hold R1 Flick R↑ Flick R↓

Stop & Turn Right | Left(Berba Spin)
Xbox One: RS Flick ↑ Flick →  | RS Flick ↑ Flick ←
PS4:R Flick ↑ Flick → | R Flick ↑ Flick ←

Ball Hop (While standing)
Xbox One:Tap RS 
PS4:Tap R3

Heel to heel flick
Xbox One:RS Flick ↑↓ 
PS4:R Flick ↑↓

Simple rainbow
Xbox One: RS Flick ↓↑↑
PS4:R Flick ↓↑↑

Advanced rainbow
Xbox One: RS Flick ↓ Hold ↑ Flick ↑
PS4:R Flick ↓ Hold ↑ Flick ↑

Fake right exit left | Right
Xbox One: RS →↓← | RS ←↓→
PS4:R →↓← | R ←↓→

Heel chop / ronaldo chop
Xbox One:LT + LS→ OR ← LS + Fake Shot
PS4:L2 + L→ OR ← L + Fake Shot

Ball roll chop
Xbox One:Hold ← RS Flick RS→
PS4:Hold ← R Flick R→

Ball roll cut Right | Left
Xbox One:RS Hold ← LS Hold → | RS Hold → LS Hold ←
PS4:R Hold ← L Hold → | R Hold → L Hold ←

Double touch exit
Xbox One:RS→↑ LS↗ OR RS←↑ LS↖
PS4:R→↑ L↗ OR R←↑ L↖

Double touch spin
Xbox One:←RS  LS↘ OR RS→ LS ↙
PS4:←R  L↘ OR R→ L ↙

Spin left spin | right
Xbox One:RS ↙↙ |  RS↘↘
PS4:R ↙↙ |  R↘↘


Bolasie flick 
Xbox One:Hold RB Flick RS↑ Flick RS←
PS4:Hold R1 Flick R↑ Flick R←

Xbox One:RS→↓←

Reverse elastico
Xbox One:RS ←↓→
PS4:R ←↓→

Hocus pocus
Xbox One:RS↓←↓→
PS4:R↓← ↓→

Triple elastico
Xbox One:RS ↓→↓←
PS4:R ↓→↓←

Ball roll flick
Xbox One: RS Hold → Flick ↑
PS4:R Hold → Flick ↑

Special Double touch exit 
Xbox One: RS ↑← LS↗ OR RS↑→ LS↖
PS4:R ↑← L↗ OR R↑→ L↖

Sombrero flick 
Xbox One: RS Flick ↑↑↓
PS4:R Flick ↑↑↓

Mcgeady spin
Xbox One:RS Flick ↑ Flick →
PS4:R Flick ↑ Flick→

Ball roll fake
Xbox One:RS Hold → then RS Flick ←
PS4:R Hold → then R Flick ←

Fake Rabona
Xbox One:Hold LT + X OR B then A + LS ↓
PS4:Hold L2 + □ OR ○ then × + L ↓

Elastico chop
Xbox One:RS Flick ↓ Flick ←
PS4:R Flick ↓ Flick ←

Drag back fake
Xbox One:Hold RB & LS ↓←↓→
PS4:Hold R1 & L↓← ↓→

Fancy drag back
Xbox One:Hold LT + LS ↑ & Fake Shot
PS4:Hold L2 + L ↑ & Fake Shot

Waka waka
Xbox One:RS →↑ LS← OR RS←↑ LS→
PS4:R→↑ L← OR R←↑ L →

Quick ball rolls
Xbox One:RS Hold ↓
PS4:R Hold ↓

Running scoop turn 
Xbox One:Move LS at max 90° + Fake Shot
PS4:Move L at max 90° + Fake Shot

Running  waka waka
Xbox One:StepOvers Release RS & Waka Waka
PS4:StepOvers Release R & Waka Waka

Special Flick
Xbox One:LT + RB
PS4:L2 + R1

Laces Flick Up
Xbox One:LT + Hold RB
PS4: L2 + Hold R1

Sombrero Back Wards(While Juggling)
Xbox One:Hold LS ↓
PS4: Hold L↓

Sombrero Right(While Juggling)
Xbox One: Hold LS →
PS4: Hold L→

Sombrero Left(While Juggling)
Xbox One: Hold LS ←
PS4: Hold L ←

Around The World
Xbox One: RS ↓←↑→↓ OR RS ↓→↑←↓
PS4: R ↓←↑→↓ OR R ↓→↑←↓

In Air Elastico(While Juggling)
Xbox One: RS Flick → Flick ←
PS4:R Flick → Flick ←

Juggling Rainbow
Xbox One:RS Flick ↓↑↑
PS4: R Flick ↓↑↑

Chest Flick
Xbox One:LS ↑ Hold LS Tap RS × 3
PS4: L ↑ Hold L3 Tap R3 × 3

Rabona Shot
Xbox One:Hold LT + B + LS ↖
PS4: Hold L2 + ○ + L ↖

Skill Trick FIFA 16

Skill Trick FIFA 16

As we all know that player in FIFA 16 has to perform skills moves and his abilities are messured with the Star Skill Moves, which divided into 5 parts. Are you exciting for fantastic Skill Trick FIFA 16 in the game. If you are still searching for the FIFA 16 Skill Moves Tutorial,here is the list of all Star Skill Moves avaliable for Xbox and Playstation consoles along with the hidden skill movews which are not shown in the Gameplay of FIFA 16

To play Skill Moves we should choose a player who has ability to perform skill moves. Starting form 1 Star Skill Moves to 5 Star Skill Moves, there are lots of FIFA 16 Players can perform different Star Skill Moves. When you have a 5 Star SKill Moves, such as C.Ronaldo,Neymar who are able to perfom all star skill moves. If you love to use Skill Moves to confuse your opponent, please pay more attention on the player's attribute to confirm they can meet your requirement. While, before we start in FIFA 16, we suggestion you can practise 2-3 useful skill moves, it will be an important choice. To get a player with 5 star skill moves is not easy,


all Juggling(while standing)
Xbox One: Hold LT + Tap RB  
PS4 : Hold L2 + Tap R1

Xbox One:Hold LB + Direction 
PS4 : Hold L1 + Direction

Fake Shot 
Xbox One:X + A or B + A 
PS4 :  ○ + × or □ + ×

Stop and face goal 
Xbox One:   Tap LB & No Direction
PS4 : Tap L1 & No Direction

Add Foot Fake(While Standing)
Xbox One:   RB + LB
PS4 : R1 + L1


Ball Roll Left | Right
Xbox One:  Hold RS ← |  Hold RS→
PS4 : Hold R ←| Hold R→

Step Over Left | Right
Xbox One:  RS ↑←| RS ↑→
PS4 : R↑←| R↑→

Reverse Step Over Left | Right
Xbox One:  RS←↑|  RS→↑
PS4 : R←↑| R→↑

Body Feint Left | Right
Xbox One:RS Flick ←| RS Flick →
PS4 : R Flick ← | R Flick →

Drag Back While standing
Xbox One:RB + LS Flick ↓
PS4: R1 + L Flick ↓

Over The Head Flick
Xbox One: RS ↓
PS4:R ↓

Heel To Heel Variation
Xbox One: Hold LT + LS ↑ & Fake Shot
PS4:Hold L2 + L ↑ & Fake Shot


Heel Flick 
Xbox One:RS Flick ↑↓
PS4: R Flick ↑↓

Flick Up
Xbox One: RS Flick ↑↑↑
PS4: R Flick ↑↑↑

Roulette Right | Lift
Xbox One:RS ↓→↑← | RS ↓←↑→
PS4:R ↓→↑← | R ↓←↑→

Fake Left & Go Right 
Xbox One:RS ←↓→
PS4:R ←↓→

Fake Right & Go Left 
Xbox One: RS →↓←
PS4: R →↓←


Fake pass
Xbox One:Hold RT + X + A
PS4:Hold R2 + □ + ×

Heel Flick Turn
Xbox One:Hold RB Flick RS↑ Flick RS ↓
PS4:Hold R1 Flick R↑ Flick R↓

Stop & Turn Right | Left(Berba Spin)
Xbox One: RS Flick ↑ Flick →  | RS Flick ↑ Flick ←
PS4:R Flick ↑ Flick → | R Flick ↑ Flick ←

Ball Hop (While standing)
Xbox One:Tap RS 
PS4:Tap R3

Heel to heel flick
Xbox One:RS Flick ↑↓ 
PS4:R Flick ↑↓

Simple rainbow
Xbox One: RS Flick ↓↑↑
PS4:R Flick ↓↑↑

Advanced rainbow
Xbox One: RS Flick ↓ Hold ↑ Flick ↑
PS4:R Flick ↓ Hold ↑ Flick ↑

Fake right exit left | Right
Xbox One: RS →↓← | RS ←↓→
PS4:R →↓← | R ←↓→

Heel chop / ronaldo chop
Xbox One:LT + LS→ OR ← LS + Fake Shot
PS4:L2 + L→ OR ← L + Fake Shot

Ball roll chop
Xbox One:Hold ← RS Flick RS→
PS4:Hold ← R Flick R→

Ball roll cut Right | Left
Xbox One:RS Hold ← LS Hold → | RS Hold → LS Hold ←
PS4:R Hold ← L Hold → | R Hold → L Hold ←

Double touch exit
Xbox One:RS→↑ LS↗ OR RS←↑ LS↖
PS4:R→↑ L↗ OR R←↑ L↖

Double touch spin
Xbox One:←RS  LS↘ OR RS→ LS ↙
PS4:←R  L↘ OR R→ L ↙

Spin left spin | right
Xbox One:RS ↙↙ |  RS↘↘
PS4:R ↙↙ |  R↘↘


Bolasie flick 
Xbox One:Hold RB Flick RS↑ Flick RS←
PS4:Hold R1 Flick R↑ Flick R←

Xbox One:RS→↓←

Reverse elastico
Xbox One:RS ←↓→
PS4:R ←↓→

Hocus pocus
Xbox One:RS↓←↓→
PS4:R↓← ↓→

Triple elastico
Xbox One:RS ↓→↓←
PS4:R ↓→↓←

Ball roll flick
Xbox One: RS Hold → Flick ↑
PS4:R Hold → Flick ↑

Special Double touch exit 
Xbox One: RS ↑← LS↗ OR RS↑→ LS↖
PS4:R ↑← L↗ OR R↑→ L↖

Sombrero flick 
Xbox One: RS Flick ↑↑↓
PS4:R Flick ↑↑↓

Mcgeady spin
Xbox One:RS Flick ↑ Flick →
PS4:R Flick ↑ Flick→

Ball roll fake
Xbox One:RS Hold → then RS Flick ←
PS4:R Hold → then R Flick ←

Fake Rabona
Xbox One:Hold LT + X OR B then A + LS ↓
PS4:Hold L2 + □ OR ○ then × + L ↓

Elastico chop
Xbox One:RS Flick ↓ Flick ←
PS4:R Flick ↓ Flick ←

Drag back fake
Xbox One:Hold RB & LS ↓←↓→
PS4:Hold R1 & L↓← ↓→

Fancy drag back
Xbox One:Hold LT + LS ↑ & Fake Shot
PS4:Hold L2 + L ↑ & Fake Shot

Waka waka
Xbox One:RS →↑ LS← OR RS←↑ LS→
PS4:R→↑ L← OR R←↑ L →

Quick ball rolls
Xbox One:RS Hold ↓
PS4:R Hold ↓

Running scoop turn 
Xbox One:Move LS at max 90° + Fake Shot
PS4:Move L at max 90° + Fake Shot

Running  waka waka
Xbox One:StepOvers Release RS & Waka Waka
PS4:StepOvers Release R & Waka Waka

Special Flick
Xbox One:LT + RB
PS4:L2 + R1

Laces Flick Up
Xbox One:LT + Hold RB
PS4: L2 + Hold R1

Sombrero Back Wards(While Juggling)
Xbox One:Hold LS ↓
PS4: Hold L↓

Sombrero Right(While Juggling)
Xbox One: Hold LS →
PS4: Hold L→

Sombrero Left(While Juggling)
Xbox One: Hold LS ←
PS4: Hold L ←

Around The World
Xbox One: RS ↓←↑→↓ OR RS ↓→↑←↓
PS4: R ↓←↑→↓ OR R ↓→↑←↓

In Air Elastico(While Juggling)
Xbox One: RS Flick → Flick ←
PS4:R Flick → Flick ←

Juggling Rainbow
Xbox One:RS Flick ↓↑↑
PS4: R Flick ↓↑↑

Chest Flick
Xbox One:LS ↑ Hold LS Tap RS × 3
PS4: L ↑ Hold L3 Tap R3 × 3

Rabona Shot
Xbox One:Hold LT + B + LS ↖
PS4: Hold L2 + ○ + L ↖

Trick Dream League Soccer 17

Dream League Soccer 2017 lets you build your ultimate dream team You can also build and upgrade your stadium besides creating your own team from scratch. The game also lets you choose your own tactics and formations. You will have complete control over your players on the field. It’s a fine combination of football management sim and soccer simulator. 

Dream League Soccer 2017 was developed keeping smartphone’s screen estate in mind, and so controlling players can be pretty easy. However, it will take some time to master the control scheme. Scoring a goal is not easy in this game, which is why a separate “Training mode” lets you practice your soccer skills before playing home and away matches. Follow these tips, hints are strategies if you want to master controls, score more goals and earn coins:

1. Use Button B More Often Than Button A When Defending

When your players are defending, pressing and holding button B makes a player put pressure on the ball, whereas holding button A makes him perform a slide tackle. Of these two, try using button B instead of button A if you want the ball in your possession. With a slide tackle, chances of tripping someone are more and for this your player may get a yellow card or a warning by the referee. 
By holding button B, your player just puts more pressure on his opponent and can easily have the ball without tripping him. When your opponent has the ball, move your controlled player towards him while pressing and holding the B button to put pressure on the ball. The game’s smart AI chooses the closest player, but you can tap button C to choose the player you want to control and move him towards rival team’s player. 

2. Choose a Camera Type to get a Better View of the Field 

The in-game camera plays a key role in providing the best view of the field and somehow can help you manage and control your players better. Every gamer has his own camera choice. I was very comfortable controlling my players, passing and shooting in “Sideline” and “Goal to Goal” camera types. 

To change a camera type, Tap “My Profile” at the top-right corner of the screen and press “Game Settings”. Tap on the arrows to change the “Camera Type”. Choose an in-game camera that suits your play style and helps you control and manage players better. Just make sure you practice playing with the chosen camera style in “Training Mode” before playing the real game. 

Experiment with different camera angles and choose the one that provides a much better view and lets you control your players better. You may also want to adjust the camera distance. A 100 percent camera distance will zoom out whereas a 0 percent will zoom in to the field. Adjust the camera distance by setting it at 50 percent. However, if you want a more up close and personal view of your players, then you may set it to 0 percent. 

3. Experiment with B and C Buttons to Score a Goal 

When your player has the ball and he is close to his goal, try not to press and hold the A button for a longer time. If you are pretty close to the penalty kick area, then just tap and hold till the meter fills up 15-20 percent. Many times I just tapped the A button to shoot if my player gets near the box.

Pressing and holding the A button for a longer time will make the player shoot the ball way above the goal. Distance and angle matters and so use the A button carefully while moving your player using the virtual analog stick. Alternatively you can press the B button to make the player shoot with the inside of his foot. You can also try tapping the C button for a chip shot. Try experimenting with button B and C to score a goal in Training Mode first and once you are comfortable with the shooting part, begin playing league matches. 

4. How to Heal Your Players

You can heal your injured player or have other players in your team regain their health by spending coins. Healing an injured player requires more coins than healing someone with a lower health bar.

To heal a player in Dream League Soccer 2016, go to Team Management and tap on a player card. A battery icon will appear at the bottom-right corner of the screen. Tap on it and the player will reach 100 percent health. Coins that you spend on each player’s health will depend on his health meter. Lower the health meter, more coins are required to heal him completely. 

In Team Management, you can also set player roles. Tap on the player card and a new “Roles” button appears at the bottom left corner of the screen. This is where you can set a player of your choice as your team’s captain or assign different roles such as Free Kick, Penalty Shootouts etc. Scan your team and choose that bets players to assign roles to them. 

5. Choosing Formations: 

You can choose a formation of your choice. Personally, I would go for 4-2-2 or 4-3-3, but then there’s no harm in experimenting with other formations and choosing the one that suits your play style. You can also experiment with different tactics, such as “Attacking”, “Moderate” and “Defensive”, which can be easily changed while playing. Formations and tactics are available in “Team Formation”. 

6. Training Mode Also Lets you Practice Penalty Shootouts, Saves and Free Kicks

It will take some time to familiarize with the game’s control scheme and the best way to get acclimatized to it is to hit the Training mode. The practice mode not only provides free training to improve your shooting and passing skills, but also lets you practice free kicks, penalty shoot-outs and penalty saves. 

Tap on “My Club” > Training and then press the pause button at the bottom left corner of the screen. To switch to a different training mode, tap on the white arrow beside “Free Training”. There are six types of training modules available: Free Training, Free Kick, Left Corner, Right Corner, Penalty and Penalty Save. Practice each module and start playing league matches when you are fully confident about passing, shooting, penalty kicks and saves. 

7. Upgrade Your Stadium to Earn Bonus Coins in Home Matches

Go to My Club and tap “Dream FC Stadium”. This is where you can upgrade stands and increase crowd capacity. Upgrading stands will grant you stadium bonus and you will receive more coins after the match is over. Stand upgrades require coins, so try to invest coins in stadium upgrades from the 1000 free coins given to you. 

Besides earning bonus coins from home matches, you earn coins for winning a match. Coins are also earned if there’s a clean sheet, i.e. no goal conceded by your team’s goalkeeper. You get extra coins for the number of goals scored by your players. You also receive coins for completing an achievement.

Trick Dream League Soccer 2016

Dream League Soccer 2016 lets you build your ultimate dream team You can also build and upgrade your stadium besides creating your own team from scratch. The game also lets you choose your own tactics and formations. You will have complete control over your players on the field. It’s a fine combination of football management sim and soccer simulator. 

Dream League Soccer 2016 was developed keeping smartphone’s screen estate in mind, and so controlling players can be pretty easy. However, it will take some time to master the control scheme. Scoring a goal is not easy in this game, which is why a separate “Training mode” lets you practice your soccer skills before playing home and away matches. Follow these tips, hints are strategies if you want to master controls, score more goals and earn coins:

1. Use Button B More Often Than Button A When Defending

When your players are defending, pressing and holding button B makes a player put pressure on the ball, whereas holding button A makes him perform a slide tackle. Of these two, try using button B instead of button A if you want the ball in your possession. With a slide tackle, chances of tripping someone are more and for this your player may get a yellow card or a warning by the referee. 
By holding button B, your player just puts more pressure on his opponent and can easily have the ball without tripping him. When your opponent has the ball, move your controlled player towards him while pressing and holding the B button to put pressure on the ball. The game’s smart AI chooses the closest player, but you can tap button C to choose the player you want to control and move him towards rival team’s player. 

2. Choose a Camera Type to get a Better View of the Field 

The in-game camera plays a key role in providing the best view of the field and somehow can help you manage and control your players better. Every gamer has his own camera choice. I was very comfortable controlling my players, passing and shooting in “Sideline” and “Goal to Goal” camera types. 

To change a camera type, Tap “My Profile” at the top-right corner of the screen and press “Game Settings”. Tap on the arrows to change the “Camera Type”. Choose an in-game camera that suits your play style and helps you control and manage players better. Just make sure you practice playing with the chosen camera style in “Training Mode” before playing the real game. 

Experiment with different camera angles and choose the one that provides a much better view and lets you control your players better. You may also want to adjust the camera distance. A 100 percent camera distance will zoom out whereas a 0 percent will zoom in to the field. Adjust the camera distance by setting it at 50 percent. However, if you want a more up close and personal view of your players, then you may set it to 0 percent. 

3. Experiment with B and C Buttons to Score a Goal 

When your player has the ball and he is close to his goal, try not to press and hold the A button for a longer time. If you are pretty close to the penalty kick area, then just tap and hold till the meter fills up 15-20 percent. Many times I just tapped the A button to shoot if my player gets near the box.

Pressing and holding the A button for a longer time will make the player shoot the ball way above the goal. Distance and angle matters and so use the A button carefully while moving your player using the virtual analog stick. Alternatively you can press the B button to make the player shoot with the inside of his foot. You can also try tapping the C button for a chip shot. Try experimenting with button B and C to score a goal in Training Mode first and once you are comfortable with the shooting part, begin playing league matches. 

4. How to Heal Your Players

You can heal your injured player or have other players in your team regain their health by spending coins. Healing an injured player requires more coins than healing someone with a lower health bar.

To heal a player in Dream League Soccer 2016, go to Team Management and tap on a player card. A battery icon will appear at the bottom-right corner of the screen. Tap on it and the player will reach 100 percent health. Coins that you spend on each player’s health will depend on his health meter. Lower the health meter, more coins are required to heal him completely. 

In Team Management, you can also set player roles. Tap on the player card and a new “Roles” button appears at the bottom left corner of the screen. This is where you can set a player of your choice as your team’s captain or assign different roles such as Free Kick, Penalty Shootouts etc. Scan your team and choose that bets players to assign roles to them. 

5. Choosing Formations: 

You can choose a formation of your choice. Personally, I would go for 4-2-2 or 4-3-3, but then there’s no harm in experimenting with other formations and choosing the one that suits your play style. You can also experiment with different tactics, such as “Attacking”, “Moderate” and “Defensive”, which can be easily changed while playing. Formations and tactics are available in “Team Formation”. 

6. Training Mode Also Lets you Practice Penalty Shootouts, Saves and Free Kicks

It will take some time to familiarize with the game’s control scheme and the best way to get acclimatized to it is to hit the Training mode. The practice mode not only provides free training to improve your shooting and passing skills, but also lets you practice free kicks, penalty shoot-outs and penalty saves. 

Tap on “My Club” > Training and then press the pause button at the bottom left corner of the screen. To switch to a different training mode, tap on the white arrow beside “Free Training”. There are six types of training modules available: Free Training, Free Kick, Left Corner, Right Corner, Penalty and Penalty Save. Practice each module and start playing league matches when you are fully confident about passing, shooting, penalty kicks and saves. 

7. Upgrade Your Stadium to Earn Bonus Coins in Home Matches

Go to My Club and tap “Dream FC Stadium”. This is where you can upgrade stands and increase crowd capacity. Upgrading stands will grant you stadium bonus and you will receive more coins after the match is over. Stand upgrades require coins, so try to invest coins in stadium upgrades from the 1000 free coins given to you. 

Besides earning bonus coins from home matches, you earn coins for winning a match. Coins are also earned if there’s a clean sheet, i.e. no goal conceded by your team’s goalkeeper. You get extra coins for the number of goals scored by your players. You also receive coins for completing an achievement.

Guide & Trick FIFA 17

FIFA is back with FIFA 17 and this year EA Sports has gone back and tweaked many of the fundamentals to gameplay in an attempt to produce a much more cohesive game of football. Improved tackling, agility, dribbling and most importantly, goalkeeping hope to make the game on the pitch a better experience for players.

The most notable change this year is the inclusion of women's football teams. 12 international teams including the USA, Canada, England and France will feature in the game. The inclusion of female players has meant that the player models across the board have been given an upgrade too.

With many of the changes looking to bring balance back to the beautiful game, we've put together a list of FIFA 17 guides to help players continue to have the advantage over their opponents. From set-pieces to passing to FIFA's most popular mode, Ultimate Team, we'll have guides on the lot to help you become the Messi among your friends.
FIFA 17 provides one of the most dramatic gameplay overhauls the series has seen in years. With that VideoGamer has put together 13 tips and tricks to help you get to grips with the changes and help give you an advantage over the opposition.

Patience is a virtue

FIFA 17's various gameplay overhauls mean that previously-sound attacking tactics can prove fruitless now. Rather than trying to hit teams on the counter-attack with relentless pace, FIFA 16 favours the more considered approach. Keeping the ball and passing it sideways is not a wasteful strategy: instead it's about taking your time, waiting for the space to open up and then exploiting it.

Not every pass has to be played forwards, giving it back to the centre halves is a viable option as it forces the other team to push up the field, creating more space behind the lines of defence. Also, quickly switching the ball from one side of the pitch to the other is an effective way of opening up space, as it forces the middle to become less compact as you operate across the whole pitch.

Remember: for as long as you have the ball, the opponent cannot score. Wait for the right opportunity to attack the opposition goal, then don't waste it.

The most effective skill move isn't actually a skill move

While players will look to dazzle you with rabonas and rainbow flicks, the most effective skill move isn't even a skill move. Every year in FIFA the one trick that works every time is the three-point turn. Because the player models in EA's offering are so big and bulky, taking three separate 90-degree turns is the best way to shake off a pesky defender and create space going forward.

That said, if you're the type of player who can't help himself, here's a complete list of every Skill Move in the game.

Hit early crosses

The overhaul of FIFA 17's crossing mechanics means there's far more variety in how a ball can be delivered into the box. Thanks to more intelligent player runs, coupled with much more aggressive goalkeeper AI, it's no longer a viable option to constantly run to the byline and aim for the penalty spot. Instead, you should be aiming to cross from the wing when level with or just before the 18-yard box. You should always be looking at the opponent's defensive line: if they are on the edge of the box, that leaves plenty of space to deliver the ball between the back four and the goalkeeper, for your striker to run onto the ball and have an easy finish.

These crosses have a much higher success rate than the high deliveries into crowded space, as the goalkeeper will more often than not come out and punch these clear. Hitting crosses that give your forwards a running attack at the ball are more likely to end with a shot at goal.

AI is tougher than most humans

With defensive AI now much more rigid and aggressive at intercepting the ball, especially on higher difficulties, it can actually prove tougher to break down AI defences than in online matches. Because humans are more likely to make errors and drag players out of position, the possession football you're going to be playing this year serves online matches much better. Playing against the computer on World Class and Legendary can become a frustrating affair, with more square passes than a match featuring Jermaine Jenas clones.

After finding your feet against the computer in the first few matches, try jumping online in seasons or a simple one-on-one match and see how different the experience is.

How to control FIFA 17's new bullet pass

By holding RB/R1, players will deliver a much faster pass, aimed at finding a man tightly marked and preventing defenders from intercepting the ball. The trouble is that this pass is much trickier to control, especially with any players below world class status.

There are a couple of things you can do to help ensure the ball finds its target. Firstly, it helps if the intended receiver is facing the ball. If he is square to the man passing the ball, he's more prepared to receive the pass, plus his body is between defender and ball.

Secondly, let go of the run button when trying to control the ball. Holding sprint will make the ball trickier to control as your player is intending to take a heavy touch to knock it into space. Just use the left stick or, if possible, hold nothing at all, and let him bring it into his feet before trying to take on the next defender.

Finally, if you're delivering the ball to a man on the edge of the box, a parallel touch is easier than one continuing in the path the ball was going, as it takes the momentum out of the pass.

Also, be sure to let go of RB/R1 after you make the pass, as that button also makes a receiver dummy (step-over) the ball and forego taking a touch, which is a great skill, except when receiving a bullet pass.

How to keep possession in FIFA 17

When receiving a pass, hold LT/L2 to have your player use his body to protect the ball. With the now far more aggressive defensive AI it's vital that players do this. When in crowded areas of the pitch, getting your player's body between the defender and the ball can buy you a vital couple of seconds to either allow other players to make runs or create gaps to turn into and outfox the overly-eager defence.

How to win back possession in FIFA 17

In previous FIFA games it was acceptable to have whichever defender was nearest to the ball sprint towards it, then once it was passed across the field, switch player, rinse and repeat. If you do that in FIFA 17, you'll get passed off the park and quickly find yourself short of defensive support.

You need to defend as a team in FIFA 17, and to do that you mustn't send a single man on a drastic run to chase the ball down. Instead, gradually move your team up the field to close the ball down, shutting off space and removing passing lanes.

On the D-Pad tactics, 'High Pressure' and 'Team Pressing' are very good options when defending. Make sure that, whomever you're controlling sticks to his position on the field and doesn't push too high, leaving space behind, particularly between midfield and defence.

In FIFA 17 Ultimate Team, a good striker is essential

Ultimate Team can prove incredibly frustrating, as there'll be games where you'll have three times as many chances as your opponent only to lose 0-1. This is why you need to invest a significant sum in a top quality striker.

Having a forward with at least 80 finishing will make a world of difference to your experience.

Ignore FIFA Trainer, play the Skill Games instead

While the FIFA Trainer is a noble attempt to introduce players to the basics of the game during a match, it takes up far too much real estate on the screen and is far too distracting, to the point where it detracts from the actual match. Instead, stick to the Skill Games if you want to learn or improve upon the fundamentals. They're still the best way to learn, and with the new and improved training drills, this is the best and most fun year for them.

How to end a slide tackle early in FIFA 17

Press the slide tackle button again after your player has begun his slide to make him get back to his feet. This is a great way to recover from a missed challenge, and keep your defender close to the ball and not give away easy scoring opportunities.

Use the EAS FC Catalogue

The EAS FC catalogue is a great way to get a headstart in whichever mode you'll be spending most of your game time with. Enjoy being a manager in career mode? Consider grabbing a financial takeover to give yourself a big transfer kitty to overhaul the squad. Prefer to plough hours into Ultimate Team? Grab a bunch of the Coin Boosts that litter the catalogue to earn far more coins in the early going and build a cohesive team with high chemistry far sooner than usual.

When controlling a team, always adjust tactics

In the past two FIFA games, it's been possible to customise any team's tactics to incredible depth. You can decide how aggressively your team presses the ball, what style of football your team plays, which runs every player on the pitch makes and even which runs the attackers make off the ball. In career mode in particular, tweaking these settings in your opening few matches will help create your ideal setup and decide how you want your team to play.

Whether you're a long ball merchant or tiki-taka technician, you can adjust these settings in the custom tactics menu.

FUT Draft is worth the entry fee, particularly online

FUT Draft is FIFA 17's standout new mode, and although it comes with a high entry fee (15,000 Coins or 300 FUT Points), your prize is always good, coming in the form of packs. The more matches you win in FUT Draft, the bigger the payout. Playing an online FUT Draft bears greater rewards than offline, so it's always worth a punt taking on human opponents and seeing how far you can progress.

FIFA 17 Skill Moves List - 1-Star Skill Moves

Ball Juggle (while standing) - Hold LT + tap RB/Hold L2 + tap R1

Foot Fake (while standing) - Hold LB + RB/Hold R1 + L1

FIFA 17 Skill Moves List - 2 Star Skill Moves

Body Feint Right - RS flick →

Body Feint Left - RS flick ←

Stepover Right - RS ↑↗→

Stepover Left - RS ↑↖←

Reverse Stepover Right - RS →↗↑

Reverse Stepover Left - RS ←↖↑

Ball Roll left - RS Hold ←

Ball Roll Right - RS Hold →

Drag Back (while standing) - RB + LS flick ↓/R1 + LS flick ↓

FIFA 17 Skill Moves list - 3 Star Skill Moves

Heel Flick - RS flick ↑↓

Flick Up - RS flick ↑↑↑

Roulette Right - RS rotate from down 270 degrees clockwise

Roulette Left - RS rotate from down 270 degree anti-clockwise

Fake Left & Go Right - RS ←↙↓↘→

Fake Right & Go Left - RS →↘↓↙←

FIFA 17 Skill Moves List - 4 Star Skill Moves

Ball Hop (while standing) - Tap RS

Heel to Heel Flick - RS Flick ↑↓

Simple Rainbow - RS Flick ↓↑↑

Advanced Rainbow - RS Flick ↓ Hold ↑ Flick ↑

Feint Left & Exit Right - RS ←↙↓↘→

Feint Right & Exit Left - RS →↘↓↙←

Spin Left - RS ↙↙

Spin Right - RS ↘↘

Stop and Turn Left (while running) - RS Flick ↑ Flick ←

Stop and Turn Right (while running) - RS Flick ↑ Flick →

Ball Roll Cut Right - RS Hold ← LS Hold →

Ball Roll Cut Left - RS Hold → LS Hold ←

FIFA 17 Skill Moves List - 5 Star Skill Moves

Elastico - RS →↘↓↙←

Reverse Elastico - RS ←↙↓↘→

Quick Ball Rolls - RS Hold ↓

Hocus Pocus - RS ←↙↓ ←↙↓↘→

Triple Elastico - RS ↓↘→↘↓↙←

Ball Roll and Flick Left (while running) - RS Hold → Flick ↑

Ball Roll and Flick Right (while running) - RS Hold ← Flick ↑

Sombrero Flick (while standing) - RS Flick ↑↑↓

Turn and Spin Left - RS Flick ↑ Flick ←

Turn and Spin Right - RS Flick ↑ Flick →

Ball Roll Fake Left (while standing) - RS Hold ← then RS Flick →

Ball Roll Fake Right (while standing) - RS Hold → then RS Flick ←

Rabona Fake (while jogging) - Hold LT + X or B then A + LS ↓ / Hold L2 + Square or Circle then X + LS ↓

Elastico Chop Left - RS Flick ↓ Flick ←

Elastico Chop Right - RS Flick ↓ Flick →

FIFA 17 Skill Moves List - 5 Star Juggling Skills

Laces Flick Up - LT + Hold RB/L2 + Hold R1

Sombrero Flick Backwards - Hold LS ↓

Sombrero Flick Left - Hold LS ←

Sombrero Flick Right - Hold LS →

Around the World - RS 360 degrees clockwise or anticlockwise

In Air Elastico - RS Flick → Flick ←

Reverse In Air Elastico - RS Flick ← Flick →

Flick Up for Volley - Hold LS ↑

Chest Flick - Hold LS ↑ Hold LS Tap RS x 3

T. Around the World - RS 360 degrees clockwise then RS Flick ↑